
Showing posts from June, 2010

surprise visit

this morning was a strange one for a change.  it is amusing and amazing what depth and surprises the subconscious can hold.  it often is surprising to see what your mind could portray in a dream- i think it is very fortunate certain moments in a dream cannot be caught, as it often include much tabooed ideas and situations.  as an insomniac, i do not get to dream very often, if remember it at all.  often it's just fragmented thoughts that leaves me very puzzled.  however, this morning was graced by rather clear, perhaps too clear of thoughts.  one of those dreams which are even more vivid than the reality. the ones that you almost wish that it was true (well, partially anyways.) sleeping well has been a real nice change from the bustle of the town.  and i am somewhat glad though i woke with enough tears and snots to wonder whether i had a water main problem in my sinus. i have no idea where i was or doing what, but at certain poi...

kissing another

so another recent even of memorable nature was my first, ahem, car crash. it sounds really important and traumatic, but nothing like the above pic, which is just spectacular. it was sort of traumatic because... i never have crashed onto anything nor have been involved in auto accidents (well there were couple that i got mowed down while on the bike, but i dont think they really count), so it is really a milestone of a kind. i  cant remember exactly when i got my full license but it is +10 years ago. oh boy. i felt as if i should celebrate with popping champagnes and all the jazz as the nascar racers do. well looking at the statistics, this would actually be even rarer than someone winning a car race. ha ha. i certainly hope it'll keep that way, no doubt. the very last time i was driving a stick (as we call it in north america) was about 5 years ago, being the designated drivers for bandwagon of happily trashed graduate students.  on and off, but i did le...

stone-dusted-chilli-smoked monkey

it has been a real long while since i posted anything. i feel somewhat guilty about it. it's a similar feeling to having a plant then forgetting to water it for couple days. you come back and expect... well, rather pathetic and wilted plants i suppose. bad me.  i had all intention of writing, i swear! hahaha. anyways.  i suppose the absence of monkey trails could mean several things. the fact that i am happy and well-occupied (hence finding the time is difficult). the fact that i felt really silly about some things and had to really think about: am i really going to go public with such dumb facts about me? (i suppose that's vanity.)  there are many things i want to do, many people i feel as if i need to catch up- one never has to catch up with other, but it feels incredibly important and dear.  so here i am, at backyard at home-chinley, with airing duvet and lawn chairs, life is okay. last week was a rainy week. the entire wk was drenched in wet...

i shouldve cried

At times it is almost impossible to not to believe that a plan is a near- reality.   One is encouraged and often forced to make future plans, small and big.   From ‘when should i set the coffee machine for the next morning’ to ‘what should one do for life.’   And for some bizarre reason we are constantly encouraged to build this fictitious frame of reference for the paradigm that does not exist in reality: the future (cue dramatic fanfare).   however, life, being much larger than a will of a pathetic individual, often ends up crashing over the poor person who had his house of dreams built with the twigs of ‘plans.’   Though it could be quite maddening for awhile, the ‘foiling’ process can also be hilarious, even spectacularly entertaining.   All because of one simple fact: plan/future involves life and reality, however, they do not equate to life itself.   Such grand introduction, monkey. Where are you going with this? Well, as i am writing this in...

busy month of may

i am somewhat ashamed about the recent silence in monkey life, as it has been rather full of nice things. i am almost finished with wrapping up gabe's businesses.  there was much merriment in toronto as former nebraskans- my best mexican friend and adopted japanese sister from the doctoral prog days have come up for a visit. we have not seen one another for a long time and weirdly enough, it was as if time have never passed. we ate and drank like... we used to, i suppose, hahaha.  very unusual for monkey in toronto though, late nights (well, early i guess, wrapping up and arriving to home at 3 am) fueled by superb beer selection (if you are in toronto, check out bar volo. amazing. simply put) and great food.  we went chinese, sushi, izakaya, persian, kensington market fruitstalls, coffee shops, aforementioned bar volo, markham area chinese/japanese all-you-can-eat (at which point, mexican and canadian friends became... comatose), vegetarian/vegan, pizza...  though we...