surprise visit
this morning was a strange one for a change. it is amusing and amazing what depth and surprises the subconscious can hold. it often is surprising to see what your mind could portray in a dream- i think it is very fortunate certain moments in a dream cannot be caught, as it often include much tabooed ideas and situations. as an insomniac, i do not get to dream very often, if remember it at all. often it's just fragmented thoughts that leaves me very puzzled. however, this morning was graced by rather clear, perhaps too clear of thoughts. one of those dreams which are even more vivid than the reality. the ones that you almost wish that it was true (well, partially anyways.) sleeping well has been a real nice change from the bustle of the town. and i am somewhat glad though i woke with enough tears and snots to wonder whether i had a water main problem in my sinus. i have no idea where i was or doing what, but at certain poi...