eating words

it's a thunder moon. full moon of july. the first one after the summer solstice. i have never been so in-tune with the moon. it all started when i got to banff last year. the weird inclination to befriend the night, though it always was there, as long as i could remember, really touched me this year. especially since gabe died. infectious fever to look up into the night sky. again and again and again. as one cannot sleep, it's only natural to seek the nightly world i suppose- the one that may be pale and a bit far, quiet, almost eerie. even in the middle of the city of three and a half millions. this evening, i tried to keep my consciousness occupied by editing pictures and doing some silly things. things with no deadlines. things to keep self busy. things that i could place in between the cracks of thoughts, the cracks that bleeds deeply through myself, a pool of grief, much like the tears of earth i walked on during caving adventures, ...