harvest moon migration

One of the most important moons of the year, harvest moon, came and went just a few days ago, on Wednesday. While i was growing up in korea, it used to be a huge deal- families move across the country, a temporary migration for just couple days. the small quaint country villages will be full of children and their children returning to the old roots, looking and finding what have happened since the lunar new years (another big migration day). Much suppressed issues would surface, the in-laws and in-families in general dealing with all kinds of small daily explosions, inevitable really, when that many stranger-families are crammed into the living quarters. There are much litanies of daughters-in-law about the works they must do without a single word of thanks, about husbands and sons who cannot satisfy either of their ladies and so on. It is rather comical to think of all these small catastrophes happening simultaneously across the country. I bet ...