monkey practices

it's been somewhat uncreative days as far as blogging is concerned. it's always on the edge of my mind, as it does make me happy to share thoughts to not-so-random-public. and there has been much conversations with monkey surroundings, things that speak audibly and things that speak silently. but it does take a fair bit of time to adjust and assess thoughts, then put it down. perhaps couple new small habits are getting in the way? it is a weird thing, one can stay out from home for a long time and do many hours of 'work,' however, being a freelancer means that one does whole bunch of different things in the day. there are less familiarity with the days- if i was working at an office, for instance, i would have some constants: co-workers, my (rigidly confined) tasks/responsibilities, geographical logistics (path to work, home, favorite coffee spot, pick-me-up-bakeries, my working area, etc). but often such things, taken granted and even despised once in aw...