year gone by, a thick oil flow

close up from: dig down dig up, 2004 by helgi h jaltalins ejolfsdorfs a year has run off through my fingers, like thick oil flow. i tried to grasp withering and passing thoughts, brilliant at the peaks yet so quick to perish. i thought of many things and a few of them has left themselves as hard, dormant seeds in my mind, waiting for time- to spring up, break through the thick husk, to grow, to carry on. somewhere along the line, i have lost a few things and i wonder what other things i may have lost and just never realized. or have not realized yet. i have wiped peoples' tears and i shed a few, trying to contain the little wells of sorrows that sprung up from the bottom of my heart- but they overflowed. gracing down my face, onto the void, where all sorrowful thoughts go. perhaps waiting to be covered with dust, to be dried up. i have put away things then opened boxes that has been forgotten, rediscovering the quiet yet vivid tho...