monkey league of extraordinary gentlemen

today i ordered new glasses for dad. he's been rather fond of the idea of paying the absolute minimum (as i have done) for the new glasses and finally, the other day, he was on the phone, eager to yell out those random numbers to me. funny thing is that i think because he's seen both ends of internet glasses: success (i had three pairs that fitted me well) vs. fail (my bro's glasses were a slight misfit, somehow), as soon as he's been to the optometrist, he just had to see how it will turn out. well, little does he know. mom's been nudging, blackmailing, pleading, asking and appealing to me for weeks to get dad's glasses- with a catch: get him a stylish new one! it has been somewhat traditional for koreans to spend quite a bit of money on appearance-related things, such as clothes, shoes, glasses, etc. there are girls who eat package ramen noodles to save up for a designer bags. ladies who spends dollars and more dollars on cosmetic procedures and 'c...