about swiss milk chocolate calves

one of the most beautiful things in chinley would be little new lives around the field- whether it be a new chick, lamb, foal or a calf. the best calves are definitely the little wee brown ones, with white face and white socks. though i have missed the arrival of the lambs this year (they do come around the easter), i am lucky enough to see late calves, which are still very wee, lithe and cute. unlike the grown cows, who are heavy and calm, if set in their ways, the brown calves- i often refer them as swiss milk chocolate calves, are found in surprising enterprises- exploring, playing, prancing and such. and the way they move around the field is light on feet, tails in wind, eyes lit up with such joy that one cannot help but to smile, of course, with a small pain on the heart- ouch! i often ask minnow to stop the car, just so that we can take a look at the chocolate calves. they must know how handsome they are, as they would stop and calmly charm th...