shot through the heart, unexpectedly

i ran into this korean illustrated story on facebook today. obviously, it is in korean, however, i think with this, the story may not need too many words. the old lady is walking, from end of her present life to the start of new one. the man in the suit is the post-death figure, guiding her to the doorway. she talks about why it has to be so difficult. losing her husband 12 years ago. taking care of her only daughter, then the grandkid. worked till the fingers were worn out. then came the end. 12 years of endless work and- solitude. however, she did love. loved for real, with her life. from age 19, for happy 50 years. she wonders if she could meet him now- with that same butterflies in her tummy. guide tells her: there's the door to the next life. you go alone from here. to think, to reflect. to conclude, to end, before you start a new one. is he in there? guide tells her: no. he is...