lying is lying, cheating is cheating...

as much beautiful things i encounter in music schools- growth, hope and trust, though rare, there are moments that makes me question what drives people insane. a common occurrence would be signing of declaration forms. many students and young professionals go on from undergrad program to further graduate studies and competitions. it is common for the first round of these applications to include recording samples. we do many of these during late november and early december. people work hard- as these projects usually take at least six months to couple of years to prepare for. they book the hall, practice, make notes and make the recording. often, engineers are asked to sign the declaration form(s) to accompany these recordings. there are two usual reasons for it: 1. to verify that the recording is of said performer, 2. that it has not been edited. editing culture is so prevalent in music industry- most of people are shocked once they registe...