rich enough.

tis post-holiday. we all look into balance of life (generally shifted quite a bit after the christmas festivus)- yyz streets are lined thick with financial advertisement, urging people to get their hands into that pot of gold, 'get your RRSP here for the best-ever-super-duper rates!' the voice is loud enough that even i, the minimalist living being, has been convinced to make three bank appointments in last ten days! yikes. looking at the numbers on pages, in january, i often feel 'failed.' how are my peers keep buying houses, pay for extravagant events and keep looking so happy and wealthy? perhaps it's all of us who feels that way... anyway, sunday is often lunch with momdad. we often go to silly all-you-can eat and stuff ourselves- very much a blue-collar thing: now we have some time, eat up (instant gratification), along with family and friends (long-term happiness) and hope for better next week. so amongst talk of tennis, international manufacturing ...