good night, dear lady.

measuring the passage of time, it is so easy to become fixated on a particular point of view- of one's own. i often look into my calendar and think about what ' i ' need to do. occasionally, i am reminded of the vastness of this world, never-stopping, gently undulating ocean, through the news that comes through the resilient spider-silk communication of people i love. i always wish that i reach out to others as much as i reach inward for self. i dont, always. i lose perspective and get myopic about self-centred events, forgetting the most important concept- that i exist only within the context of the world. and often, the news are surprising, filling the day with many hues of thoughts. today, i read that a friend from nebraska days finally concluded her journey with cancer. regrets came like waves. like bitter, angry, north winter wind. a maelstrom of 'wished, couldve, shouldve...' as i get older, often, i can measure the passage of time through ...