money,we barely know ye!

peasant wedding, bruegel the elder, c. 1569 the subject of money fascinates me. ive been on a payroll since ripe age of 14 as a church organist; combined with the experience of growing up in an immigrant entrepreneurial household, i was quite aware that there are so many different ways to earn and spend it, that it can make or break a person, even change them somewhat permanently. when i started to work after finishing school, that year, first time in my life, i gained real concept of what a 'thousand' dollars feel like. dad coolly replied that it's because i am billing in units of tens and hundreds, that as a business owner (albeit mompop scale), that he, who deals with thousands on monthly scale on both in and outgoings, would have different feel for units of thousands. this all made sense. i remember being in high school, getting paid in hun...