expanding man and shrinking seat are not ideal

http://lolery.com/man-writes-the-greatest-complaint-letter-ever-to-airline-for-having-to-sit-next-to-an-obese-person/ the letter is clearly written by temporarily insane man. im sure in a different context, he is not such a ranting maniac. though, i do understand what that feels like to slowly suffocate next to what i call the 'expanding person' experience. they seem normal. they sit down. polite hello and a slight unknown sense of dread. as soon as the seat belts are down, they start to expand, 3-D. soon, their knees are touching yours, the arm rests are no longer arm rests, they are holding this expanding appendages that just keeps growing in space, real time. after couple hours, you wonder HOW did they seem so normal at the beginning of the flight. incredibly, they still look normal, while occupying at least 50% more space. what is going on? *insert airtravel delilium music. *pop some pills and just pass out till arrival the real issue is not about per...