
Showing posts from March, 2015

silent day

Image another cusp point. the vernal equinox passed and it's bringing in languid sadness into the air, echoing the deaden silence of the deaths of the present winter.  as the snow start to melt away, the little memoirs of the cold, hasten and dark days blurring into nights come out to the sunlight. gloves. hats. lost things. under glistening melting puddle, once priced possessions now lie naked without owners, neglected, alone and dead, perhaps dreaming of their long lost other halves. where would those gloves all go? did they ever dreamed of being found and to be a pair again before they were discarded to garbage? scattered fag butts. cough drop wrappers. dog poos left in shame. the sun peeks through the heavy clouds. but people continue to walk, eyes looking down to the ground. though there is no ice to trip over anymore. the melting sun also melts the ice i put on the cracks of myself. i filled those in with indifference, faked confid...

human resonance, a yearning

from a tangent point, an individual will progress through the chosen trajectory. at times, the tangent point and/or the new trajectory may not reflect individual's wishes but life being slightly more complicated than we ever wish it to be, a set course, infuriatingly or amusingly, will never stay set. and things and people will go wherever they will go appropriately. meeting people is a funny thing.  i often browse dating profiles for entertainment.  what is it that people are putting out as representation of themselves? when they are being sarcastic, is it the humour or the bitterness that is fueling it? when they say they dont take such writings seriously, how much of genuine sincerity can be found on personal profiles?  what are the expectations of the engagement- at what point, would you know youve connected, or it has/no potential, or whether it would be destructive or constructive? the questions go on forever. when i went to see 'theory of everything,' ...

like tears in rain

since last post, the audition season came and left in a fury.  i feel very lucky to be able to meet people and work on projects that theyve been preparing for a long while, and i love the aspect that i can be part of their next step- even though it may be a bit arbitrary (let's face it, auditions are for administrative structure, not for music. it's weird but it kinda works. bit like democracy). then came a short visit to texas to see one of dearest people in my life, dr nan. it is a weird thing to not to see someone for a long time but then we snapped back into conversation without a glitch. truly, time is relative. and now, recitals are rolling into motion and as it often does in spring, there are much motions around me. one best friend is moving to the west in summer. another is getting married and moving to tajikistan. one has finished phd and now back in america. one old friend has recently died. my parents are over to east asia for three months, first time bei...