why record during practice? well because, make-ups...

working with one of my fav peeps today, i think i found a good analogy for practicing with recorder. with the heavy technical and scientific emphasis on sports performance training, i often wonder why we, musicians, who are also a physical labourers, do not employ technology with similar level of enthusiasm... i understand that there is this love of mysticism in arts. it's bit like wine critique. though we dont really know how to quantify anything, even the basic idea of how ethanol works to get a human being drunk, we all know someone who can go off on qualitative alcohol evaluation (im guilty as well). but you know, talking about such things as smells and tastes to describe a particular 'terroir,' one builds a set of descriptions that has not been standardized and i feel that in certain field, they would prefer keeping it that way. bit like vodka fanatics talking about 'different tastes' of plain vodka, but vodka is supposed to have no ether or organic v...