all these colourful people

as i was running errands in pouring rain, i got stalled by the dyke march 2015 toronto. waiting for a gap to cross, i thought how nice it is to see a big body of happy people. lots of noise. lots of cheering. many kids and families, despite of the grey clouds that just opened up today. then it stuck me hard: all these people, in a different place, could be fined, imprisoned and even sentenced to death, as they are right now, just marching, having a great time, because of their sexual identity. quickly scanning through the list, there are nations that has death penalty for gays. here's a few i just read: sudan (3rd offence for man, 4th for woman) mauritania (last public execution on 1987) nigeria (death for man, whipping/jail for woman) qatar (for muslims) saudi arabia (2nd offence merits execution) yemen (married man to be stoned) afganistan (death of l...