
Showing posts from September, 2015

before we point fingers...(it's a bad form anyhow!)

Image it's quite weird to see so many people reacting so strongly when the news of kim davis, the kentucky clerk who refused to do her job, met up with pope.  all the sudden, people are crying in despair, waving their hands and calling him a hypocrite. whoa. chill out for a bit here. 1. pope asking kim davis to change in public would be a poor form. (that would be forceful, whether it's right or not). public shaming or condemnation is not a great way to convert people. remember this is the man who said: who am i to judge? 2. if the meeting was made public, it wouldve been swarmed by 3rd parties, either in support or outrage, which would change the nature of the meeting. 3. popes traditionally give out possibly thousands of rosaries daily. so pope giving kim a rosary is not out of custom, nor it means he personally supports kim...

let us be in peace, at this particular moment-

Image i just had real good laugh reading some of the comments on dear Facebook regarding the idea of genders and bathroom access in high schools.  here are my thoughts in point-forms so that i do not leak sarcasm, as that is never my intention, to make fun of people. 1. transgenders having access to bathrooms does not have direct correlation to sexual offences in bathrooms.  in other words, equating transgender with potential criminal is logically wrong.  and all visiting adults are supposed to register with the school upon entry to school; therefore the actual pool of possible pedophiles would not change because of the access change (though other sex offences are still possible regardless of age). 2. regardless of gender, individuals' privacy is the issue here. the very idea of genital police in bathrooms is more disconcerting than anything else. 3. it is a cost...

huh? wha?

frustrated entry 1: '... see, it is important to think about details, johnny. "let's eat, grandma!" is a bit different than "let's eat grandma!"' little kid squirms and then blurts, '... but everyone know what i meant! and my name is jonathan!' hmm. squinting and scratching. 'but you know who i meant, jason.' *** frustrated entry 2: '... okay, jonathan, you can have 1,000 for your birthday party with friends.' kid leaps into air with joy, cant believe his luck.  parent looks through wallet, gives him whack of dollar bills. '... but dad, it's only 10 dollars, not 1000-' 'oh, well, it's only coupla zeros. they dont mean anything anyway. should be enough?' *** and i sighed.

fiat lux. light fantastic.

the cyclists in yyz have worked very hard to get some bike lanes in town.  and now that we do have some bike lanes installed, a few people who are not true cyclists (yet) ( ! ) has been creating friction with the public in embracing the commute cycling culture by being exclusive- yelling at drivers, pedestrians, break road rules, etc.  this is not a problem caused by cyclists, but caused by people who creates sense of entitlement, people who wants to be exclusive. recent refugee challenges (yes, this is not a problem for non-refugees, it's a challenge) is also dealt in similar fashion.  here we are sitting in our safe area, discussing and raising fingers about who we would let through and who should be left out.  i understand: a safe community is not a free commodity. it involves everyone's cooperation: taxes, legal honesty, procedures and the respect for the procedures and the willingness to spend the time and energy to make the procedure fair and open as poss...

ikea, the enchanted land

ive been to many ikeas all over the world. denmark. austria. uk. usa. czech. and canada. every time the new catalogue hits the mail, i imagine many people picking it up, looking through fantasy houses, much like little kids imagining life in a doll house. they are pretty. they are perfect. then once you grow up a bit, usually old enough to run around the store without parental supervision, people often start to dream up scenarios in these tiny domestic vignettes.  hey in china, people even started to 'live' their day times in stores, sleeping, eating and who knows what. talk about living the dream.  one day, i hope to start composing a short scene for each spreads. i think it would be entertaining... often i hear complaints about ikea products.  and it makes me laugh a little, as it must be so that so many of us have had (or still have and will have more of) these essential modular life furniture. and so man...

about'em, genders.

i actually do look like this. haha! for years and years, i wear newboy caps and generally wore whatever i liked.  the day mom decided to let go of her ritual of putting together my clothing, i see it as the day of liberation (of sort); too bad it was simply because she was too busy working at the dry cleaners 16+hrs a day, as first generation immigrants often do... the overall effect of my preference was an unexpected one.  unexpected because i realized that how i look DOES define minor parts of my identity- to a degree it became confusing/interesting to others. for instance, i wear jeans most of the time. and shirts. t-shirts, even. from working at the dry cleaners as kiddie helper, i bowed to never buy stuff that needs dry cleaning (reactionary, i know!). i get my hair cut short, as i cannot stand seeing strands of hair on the floor. and no, im not going to be dedicated enough to chase after them. after all, they are long and thin, which means after certain lengt...

tragicomedy collection for a quiet sunday

*we all know what's gonna happen to george... 1. the most beautiful day with mostly empty schedule: perfect set up for delivery - waiting game. 2. when you tell them you wont need cutlery with your takeaway, they pack you several extra. when you desperately need something, anything, you cant find any. 3. that time you remember seeing a working pencil on floor and realize that it is just a recent past memory, as you then valiantly try to scribble something invisibly. 4. being smug about the last tea bag for your thermos and it literally explodes as you pour hot water on it. 5. the feeling of dire hope at ikea that surely, it WILL fit through the door. 6. earlier you need to wake, sleep tends to come later and later. 7.  as you complain about nothing being on telly and that you are getting outta house, the game with no action suddenly gets all the action. 8.  it wasnt a TTC token. it was a 10 cents coin. now what. 9.  spilling a cup of juice on paper t...

blind love is not very helpful.

Image it is certainly a bit of a let-down to pick up my blogging after a rather flat, sensational article. argh! but as rant is a rant, well, i suppose it's appropriate! the pope is on the move, he's on the go. he's a lovely man and ive loved every word and teaching he has shared with the world so far, breaking down bigotry when it has been truly blind to the bigots themselves. probably myself as well.  after all, if i was aware, i would not choose to stay a bigot*! it's a rather memorable moment that he is visiting usa and cuba,  as americans are experiencing significant distress over politics of belief systems (though i may dare say that most of the conflicts are not essentially rooted in religions/non-religious, but from social inequality and inflexibility + intolerance), especially heading into next year's election (seriously, what was about tha...