free speech, free decisions, whats the problem? oh dear. as bit of free time returns, i start to poke my nose around the world once again and hey, it's always full of surprises and semi-tragedies. well, there are real tragedies as well, but those are sincere situations which deserves a bit more respect than what i tend to hand out on my blog posts. the recent one is about aussie feminist writer and a man who was fired because he called her a slut. the writer ms. ford wrote about chauvism. mr. nolan wrote on her facebook, calling her a slut. ms. ford wrote to his employer (a hotel chain). the employer fires mr. nolan. then the firework ensued. many people are angry about ms. ford 'ruining' a man's life. im kinda confused. 1. yes, there is the right for free-speech in australia. 2. so a feminist writer can write about chauvinism. 3. a person can protest her point of view in public. 4....