rapture into the bluest water

https://youtu.be/VWPFqWXSeVM often, feelings come at rather inconvenient times. more one tries to escape, more one gets sucked in, to the bottom of the maelstrom. in midst of drowning, reality shatters, death- if briefly. today's morning was full of big, heavy wet snow, turning into freezing rain. big flakes being guided by the wind, slapping against the waterproof jacket hood. hazy, heavy and opaque. not at all calm, menacing, as it continued to pour down these big frozen tears. i often wonder what is going on in midst of something beautiful. when i see beauty, do you also see beauty? but what do you see? and what do i see? what did anyone else see? it is fleeting, it may not even last long enough to register into one's own consciousness. some days, the familiar beauty, in conjunction with other alertoric passage of the day, becomes too hot to handle- and one falls into the alternate reality- the reality comprised solely of imagination, memories and project...