musing at the food court

santa went up last week in yorkville. my retail job at swiss chocolate shop finished christmas decoration about two weeks ago. tis the time of giving, we say, and we see it all over, with glistening lights and sparkles. christmas adverts are out on telly and some are quite touching. last saturday, as i had 20 min to spare to my planned journey, i decided to get a quick snack at the eaton centre's foodcourt, then walk through the underground PATH to get to TSO, noseda, bollani show- my favourite, ravel g major piano concerto was on the program and i was certain that it would be spectacular (and it was!) i forgot that it's christmas time. the mall was heaving with people, with bags everywhere, families in tow, lots and lots and LOTS of stress. get gifts, get stressed! how did i miss that slogan. i took a seat at the communal long table and as i slurp my sustenance served in real china bowl and real spoon and fork, i started to people watch. there were a f...