a note to a silent brother

driving from west van to your last loadstop, 03 aug 2015 how is it to lose something and never get it back? how is it to lose something that was never yours to begin with? how is it to lose something if that 'thing' is always with you? seven short and long years ago, in middle of the night, 2-230am, you went off the cliff. into the dark sky where the cliff, in its terrifying height, set you off gravity free. your body rattled against the hard metal frame of the car. your skull broken in places. they say by the time youve blinked, you were no longer there. i am glad. i continue to project how life could have been if you did not die. perhaps you were to be fine, your bright self, witty humour and slight puppy wag to your steps. or may be, you could be a family man by now, having a child or two. recently, ive ran into your old friend at a supermarket. he was with his wife and two young children. may be you wouldve been bringing the children together for a hango...