when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...

aleko and zemphira by moonlight, chagall https://youtu.be/gyntl24zkZs recently, in montreal, a promising young, bright man have ended his life. we often associate such death (young, beautiful person's) with shooting star, bright. ironicially, shooting star also symbolizes luck, that you must close your eyes and make a wish. in the old testament, it was associated with light of christ, and the angels and heaven. and you must, must, must, keep your wishes secret if you really want it to come true. this particular news has shaken many people to their cores. a few people have been in conversation- mostly texting (suppose that makes it a bit easier, as it's quite distant way to communicate, for a delicate topic), and they are sad, triggered and deep in grief. i am slightly concerned, as it seems that this event have brought difficult feelings- of fear, resentment, envy and (therefore) confusion. one kiddie said he is trying to create some sort of comfort, fro...