florence foster jenkins and the misplaced angers of the world

https://youtu.be/HszfdNS0JSc there once was a lady who really wanted to sing. so she put her best effort and sang. and years later (now75 years after her death), she is mostly remembered- through people laughing and ridiculing her life. i dont really get the ridicule she receives. it is what we would equate as 'personal projects' today, and as such, people can either take it or leave it. she loved singing so much that she pursued it as seriously as she could, and created outputs which no one's forced to take, yet so many people take such joy pointing finger at 'how bad she is.' honestly, how many of us wouldve put in that much effort into a 'passion project?' so much schaudenfreuden from bitter average/below-average human beings- this is what i see. i tried watching the movie with meryl streep, but i couldnt finish it. it just hurt so much to watch things falling apart. people taking whatever they can take away from her, giving her false o...