subway shop and hodduk

i went on a long walk today (to cherry beach to k town and back). then eventually i had to look for a bathroom. every public space is shut, and even park bathrooms are shut (thanks assholes for getting the parks shut). i literally begged a few coffee shops that were open, but they all sited city regulation and pointed to the door. a kind man operating a small subway shop took a pity on me, and gave me a coin, and told me to open the lock and use the bathroom- and that he never opened it for me. since i couldnt give back the coin, i bought a drink and left a good tip. he literally saved my day. we talked about how terrible it is for small businesses and homeless. he said 'coin trick' was the only thing he could think of to share with the homeless. i think of what's going to happen to homeless. i wonder what people actually do in long runs. i wonder how his little sub shop will do- as it's usually the cheapest option for the mass, and obvious with george brow...