important thing

this morning, i headed to the local loblaws early, trying to get some milk; i dont drink milk, but housemate does. and as he's got such crap immunity, i thought i would go get it for him. shop was bit mad, and everyone was crossed that things move 'so slow.' *glad i dont have to go into that shop for awhile. there's LOTS of entitlement going on, lol. when i got to the cashier, i realized that i could not find my grocery bag. so i paid for stuff, and then went back into the shop, looking for this bag. it was nowhere to be found, after doing 3 full round of the whole shop, so i left. i asked at the main office of my building, to see if anyone had picked up an orange reusable bag with a doggie on it, and by chance, a contract worker who was chilling by the lobby said he's seen it. 'ive seen you go out today, and there was an orange cloth bag at the back. and a caretaker picked it up and put it in one of the garbage steel dump load.' he came out with ...