black garlic making

so in january, i decided that i am buying a toy. i was initially looking at a dehydrator, used, under 40. this proved to be quite difficult- it seems that all the decent dehydrators for decent prices were all sold out and just wasnt available anywhere in the used item market- i blame the legalization for 420. pot became regal in canada on 17 october 2018, and with a little bit of time, i think many people are now on the dank tomato bandwagon, growing stuff in tin-foiled closets- i support this hypothesis with abundance of advertisement about 'serious' growing lights and portable hot house kits that all the sudden started to appear in the city. then i started to hear people talk about home crop. then i realized that many would now have good production going on, a good year and some later, and probably wants to dry some for 'sharing.' long story short, in search of kitchen toys, i ran into a good priced sous-vide : the meat jacuzzi. it keeps a water bath at a constant t...