banff@canada day

happy canada day fellow canadians and pro-canadians and everyone in between! just a short one to keep up the current report from banff, alberta. majority of my year 2009 is spent here, looking at mt. rundle. notice the difference between this one and posts from jan-feb? it's clear! with lots of trees! not much grey left, but hints of various blues, almost plastic-ish evergreens and lots of yellow overtones, in comparison to the winter.

this would be monkey's new studio space. a piano, coupla chairs, window looking at tunnel mountain drive. yes. it's still tunnel, though i get to see quite a bit of traffic. cant complain though, still nice. now.. only if all my playing can be this nice. sigh. will work on that.

canada day firework; a short stroll to downtown banff (ya i agree that it's kind of an oxymoron, but even an oxymoron can be nice at times?) with another banff repeater. was nice to catch up and yak. esp. because she's awesome. isnt it funny how everyone feels the need to celebrate with booze, fires, randomness and loud music on canada day? even monkey had to go down to see some spectacles. though. work awaits. for. tomorrow. bah.

even a pictorial greets from monkey to the world. hope all are well and miss you the fellow residents of winter 2009 term, and hope that i will be making more connections through out this summer internship. it's a nice place to be back. it brought so many surprises and joy, just being here in the short winter days of early 2009. and it kinda set me up for not only this year ( i am back for the fall 2009 residency, same gig, different time), but for a long term. trajectories, curves, tangents and weaves. and the red dots that connects these thoughts and characters.

i live a very rich life. and it feels real nice to be able to celebrate canada day, knowing that every day in monkey's life is even larger celebration than canada day.

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