nutter days

a short saunter during the fuzzy hazy morning in yyz. things are splendid and unfortunately there isnt enough time to log in everything monkey's been up to recently. i think it perhaps is a sign that much good times have been had. however, this morning, i am up somewhat earlier than anticipated so decided to drop a few small sentences. just to keep in shape, ahem.

nothing philosophical or anything of a depth, perhaps just a short account for self and whoever may be curious why monkey has been so quiet. oh no worries. there has been much things to rant about and it's not because of lack of subjects but more of lack of... time. i would personally appreciate it a bit more if it could slow down just a bit this wknd and next wk, but is it going to? i dont think so. bah. what a tyrant.

since arrival of mr. salamander over the puddle, flinged across particularly unuseful body of water (for me anyhows just for now; i have funny feeling that it will become more useful sometime in the future. anyways, it's beautiful), following and bit more things have taken places:
(not in chronological order)

canada's wonderland
mr salamander meets old school friend
dream in high park: tempest (shakespear play in outdoor theater in high
park @ yyz)
live band salsa @ lily lounge
a shindig @ current basket
walk around in: kensington market
stroll in st. lawrence market
exploration in gaybourhood
munchings and laughters at mt. everest restaurant
ontario brew drinking in victory cafe
outside patio action in futures bakery
hart house and soldier's tower wandering
lazy afternoon in baldwin village
runningintofriends @ china town
coupla pints in queen west @rivoli
a short saunter in queen west to see gladstone/drake
meandering in little ethiopia/portugal
mild warning in fusateri's @ yorkville
amusements in general yorkville
drive-through forest hill mansions thanks to monkey bro
on foot on lakeshore boardwalks
quick visit to utoronto music fac
ice cream @greg's ice cream
old book stores @ annex
mr. salamander gets first streetmeat with encouragement of aussies
pants hunting
drive-head-to-wall lunch with gene pools
amusing korean catholic service
and there are still a bit more things thats been circled in:
dinner reservation at bro's work
spend time with PO's company
must (MUST) get to AGO and ROM ( ! )
CNE and funnel cake
indian festival
write post cards
visit to waterloo and back
it's all going rather fast and all the little holes in between have been filled with small things, the daily things, the important things, which i am very grateful for. there has been talk of a buddy of mine dropping by but it's still in the air and though he is most welcomed, i have funny feeling that it will just somehow be relocated to september (we ALL need schedule fairy). more the merrier but fewer does not mean any less merrier. it's perfectly fine and gracefully enjoyable.

this relative speed of time can be quite an annoyance, but in all things considered, it's been alright. i am a fool wishing that the time would just stop for a particular person, a situation, but there is no harm done by wishing, being temporarily delusional? knackered but happy. wishful but content. what a place and time to be, august 2009 @ yyz. i am fizzy and grateful for all who made last coupla days such an enjoyment. now, with vigor, to next part of this beautiful month we go.


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