nyc 1-4 sept 09

okay dudes

PO and monkey are arriving/leaving/doing the following (or hope to do so):

tues 1: arrive LGA at noon
A MUSEUM OF A SORT (moma's closed though, so it will be metropolitan vs. natural history)hope to catch vanguard show: motian, lovano, frisell (01-06 sept 09)@greenwich village, 7th ave and 11th st.35 for set, 830 or 1030 (prob 1030 shows if we are meeting up for supper and such)may have student discount212 255 4037 (call after 3)

lady liv, youn, would love to see you! enrico, what's your schedule like?

wednes 2:
A MUSEUM OF A SORT (perhaps moma or whatever jane fancies)
jane/sophie (jane's free all day and sophie's free after 4)- meet up?
hopefully supper/drink/coffee somewheres in midmanhattan or whatevers really
youn or jane do you know of any kickass korean restaurants in boroughs?

youn/chris/liv, you should meet sophie, another canadian pianist starting at manhattan,and anna/enrico would you be free at all?

thurs 3: A MUSEM OF A SORT (one of the three that have not been covered yet)
hope to catch iridium show, 7th ave and 51st, by times square35 for set, 830 or 1030 student discount@box office 212 582 2121
anyone wanna come to the show?
youn, chris and liv, would thursday afternoon/evening work at all??

fri 4:have no idea. whatever we've missed
enrico, anna, veronica and rob: are you free during the day at all?
LGA 3pm departure

so anyways, for span of 3 and a half days, we are hoping to cover 3 museums (one per day: moma, natural and metropolitan) during the 'daytimes' then see jazz sets on tues/thurs eve, which leaves afternoon/evenings free for dinner, coffee, beer whatevers.
we are located at the milford plaza@times square so location is central.i am bringing my laptop but will be looking for free wifi somewheres but my phone should have free texting. looking forward and please send me your numbers to my email if you are in nyc!!


  1. Raymond would be proud. you have a plan!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ..only because someone likes it. not because i like it. ha ha.
    additional info:
    wednesday: 430ish with jane/sophie at k-town
    evening with enrico the flute god 8ish @ t square


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