proper splattering

Spider web 1024 x 768 jpeg, note:strands have a diameter of 73 to 400 nm, courtesy of electron microscope lab, u-berkeley. a short one for a well worn knackered monkey. some cats (as cat E says) gathered at wild flour of banff to have some kaffeeklatsch and general peanut gallery thing re: life. the topics came and went as they please, nicely weaving a sticky but thin, almost invisible beautiful spiderweb. and the trick is that such conversations, as fast as it blooms, often goes as fast. like spider silk, blown in incredible wind, being flexible, it will stand. however, one wrong thing to stick on, all gone. oops. so just thought i would smear some monkey rant before it all goes. where? i have no idea. the intriguing thought was about the way things are interconnected. if molecular and subatomic theories hold true, everything materialistic in this world is made up of combination of small particles. and with this bizarre affinity (mr. salamander had some very eloquent thought on this r...