plunge into autumnal prepping

i just realized last night that i will be heading off to banff soon. sooner than i thought- am scheduled to fly right after my last sunday service on 27th. which would be 21 days. exactly 3 weeks. this summer is a weird one in a sense that every little cusp point between the major events has been a tad bit dramatic, ha ha. banff - home - uk - home - banff - home/holiday at home - nyc - (insert detroit somewheres) - home- banff. thats what it looks like. i am spending 7 months out of the year in the mountains and will have gone through at least 11 flights by end of the year. the goal is to clear off my student loans and keep sane, play well and continue to appreciate the nicer things in life, such as peeps.

even when you have to drive down/back from detroit!

i am rather convinced that there is absolutely nothing left there but perhaps i would be wrong. i hope so. in case you wonder WHY im heading to detroit, i am taking my grandma to a family reunion of a sort. shouldnt be more than 4-5hrs in a car one way, but since she would like to stay for extended period, that means i will be going twice. i love my granny dont get me wrong, i remember being there in '93 or something and thinking it's all... gone. dollar houses = economic downfall. and that's when there still was so called traditional car industry. now... i suppose i will find out. let's say i dont want to find out by asking strangers directions in downtown.

then there are some things i need to get my hands one and start sinking down (like poulenc sonata which have been glanced with curiosity and a bit of panic. ha ha), which starts.. today!

overall, the summer is gone. in nyc we had some warm days, in high 20s it felt like (i couldnt re-adjust to 'f, which seemed so funny as i lived with 'fs for five years ha ha), esp. in the middle of crowd and all that jazz. but now back, i see that it's all in the mid 20s and low teens. it is autumn. only hint of summer that lingers is the humidity. that will however stay for a bit, no doubt. and it seems banff is already on way to cooling period.

back in yyz for probably the second last period for awhile (am planning to cross the puddle shortly after the fall session), a short 21 days. i better make most of it. there are ton of people who are back in town, just got into town, and people i meant to keep up with and have not done so far! and if i let the days pass by, it'll do exactly that, it'll just pass by. oooh no. yes, i will have to tend to stoopid things like changing contact addresses for bills and stuff, but meanwhile, i better remember what's important and keep that up: peeps.

it was great to see everyone in nyc. i felt so fortunate. james moody for instance, was a great show in iridium (what a difference bet. iridium and village vanguard shows however! ha ha), but the highlight of the day goes to hanging with peter then meeting up with youn, chris and lady liv. and i am happy to say that yes, that is the correct priority. and i better make an effort to remember that as it need to be appreciated, not expected.

on that somewhat insightful note (gasp!), monkey's off to do stuff. good day to you all and have a blast in this labourday wknd (if you are in north america) and whatever you do in this wknd. as this particular wknd of 05-06, 09, 09 will never return. may as well enjoy it.


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