whizzing by hello

it's already friday and life since sunday, when mr. minnow has landed across the puddle to yyz, has been a bit of a blur. it's silly because we arent doing much touristy stuff yet the times are flying right past us. how nutty.nestled in the crack between leslieville and the beaches, we've been in and out, weaving with many different group of people, meeting, introducing, remember and sharing. life has been quite full on without much objective activities. and one nice thing is that he has brought the cool air with him and after that whacked-out-rain sunday, things have been very reasonable- dry, hot, bright summer.

of course there are challenges in such nice conditions as well, the need to keep it quiet from certain individuals (i think im referring to my parents, ahaha), scheduling which i am not very good at all, and treading the fine balance between doing too much and not doing enough. but it's nice to know that he does not feel as if he's another tourist. that is much relief. yay.  i think about what we were doing, the people we were meeting and the events that engraved themselves into our mind and stories. in weird sense, not much have changed- it's the people and the attitude that is consistent, appreciative and generous.

so here's a short scribble for myself and all rant-readers.  things are well in yyz and the weather has been great.  mr. minnow is having a good time i hope and much love to you all. wont it be great to cram everyone into one place for once? i think about such luxury and make a small sigh.  may be i should get on it now- for a future date, something probably like 2020. ha ha.

and i hope bookbomber's manager lady finds some sanity soon. he's going through a roughage of house renovation. aaaaaah!


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