picturesque summer

*roses from treasurer's house, yorkshire

the summer is running away it seems- how does it do that? when i boarded the plane to cross the puddle with PO, i swear that it was going to be long-drawn-out-summer-thing- but here we are, on 21st of july and im only barely making a dent at the blog. thank the lord for digital photography. what would i do without it- except for making stuff up all the time? haha. anyways.  so i had a great birthday dinner, a sunscreen allergy that robbed at least ten days out of me (it was... brutal; clinique sent me a cheque for 17.50 for my suffering. ha...), thoughts on manners and amusement over mother-daughter relations.

*i was a bit unhappy about that.

is that it for the long, restful summer?
well, then there were:

visit to chatsworth with PO and minnow

local walks- yes, sun does come up once in awhile, 
though there seems to be no clue WHEN

the steam train ride on matlock line,

museum of industry and technology in manchester, 

mediacity salford visit with peter and a light-music concert 
(is it me or the cinema tracks getting real hot recently?) 

day out in sheffields and a pint at 16th century pub at edale, 

threads orchestra yorkshire tour (i was the groupie who sold CDs and collected the surveys) 

day out in Llandudno, conwy, welsh cost 

dr dee production for manchester international festival by damon albarn of blur/gorillaz (and minnow leading the pit orch) 

visit to denmark to see my dear japanese sister

some awesome meals in the kitchen of 3 alpha

then... today.

there also was a concert at the small church building of st. mary's, down the road, where i murdered jazz tunes in public for the first time (at least it was classy. i opened with le grand tune: you must believe in spring) (at this point, i must surely believe in spring as summer is not happening; thermostat is set at 20'c and it's been on- ha...), but i forgot to take pics. there are some audio archive which i listened and cracked out laughing.  perhaps one day, i will put it up as well. somewhere. once i can actually do jazz without thinking about how tragically it gets bluer and bluer. 

it is a bit terrible cheat to getaway with such short summary, but at least i do remember and i do continue to enjoy my lazy summer.  this wk, it's down to london town to see some concerts- yep, prom season.  i never been and i am quite excited.  shortly then i will have the company of mr bearcub and his lady from the continent, bit more proming, and a dear friend on gut string making a visit, to round out the arc of this trip- surrounded by people i love.   

meanwhile, there are some news back in home, including notice to get biometrics for the citizenship paper, some late cheques arriving home and work arrangement for the fall etc.  i am grateful that i could have such a contrast in my life- working 14 hours days then to have 14 days (or more!) off.  it is always a bit hard coming back, from long, demanding grind to- open space.  quiet. still, even.  but i am enjoying the quiet groove of the open sky. even when it's full of rain.  much love to you all!


  1. book colours in rainbow style- rainy days filled with sunshine from a gorgeous collage of a summer, strands of wools from sheepie whites through rainsoaked green of grass, amber ales and blue notes. ta.


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