with fires in our bellies, we play

on friday, my idea of three concerts in spring will come reality once again, concerto no. 2: tango!

with small idea, i got a core group of people interested and the thing just grew (thanks to beautiful soo for being eager and enthusiastic. sometimes when there is a good thing to happen, it's hard to sit still and do the daily mundane... haha), and by friday night rolls, we will have amazing accordion player, gusty bassist, romantic cellist, a young and enthusiastic violinist and older and experienced, yet still enthusiastic violinist,  a quiet yet sharp-humoured guitarist and an unruly monkey on piano.

for me, the best thing about being a musician is well, being alive and being able to enjoy certain kind of flexibility.

while in school (and working in school), it is easy to forget why all these things matter- practice, assignments, classes, even playing sometimes.  i think it's inevitable- as soon as there are rigid structure, it can either help you to be productive, or it can become the biggest shackle over oneself (though it is really up to the individual).  but no one said being in school would actually make one smarter/better/different. while in school, one may have the opportunities to learn and practice particular techniques and thoughts, and the school context helps to create a certain momentum- ex. studying together for an exam, or even getting inspired by the colleague's recital, to practice and become a better musician.  but yes, school is for school.  being in school means not much. but what you learn and gather in school, you may take it with you and create a life, in reality (ex. out of school).

and that's the best thing about the outside concerts. i decided to organize these when things were slow in the fall, to create and follow through unnecessary projects (as i work in school, there are plenty of things to do in busy times...)- then i realized that these 'unnecessary' and 'optional' projects do become a real focal point of my life- something that matter to me, not just a job or a gig, but something that requires my attention and love.

music is great. the bassist and cellist has been very clever in their selections and arrangement for the group. and yeah, we are badass players. it is taking us a bit more time than we can afford to really jell together- as for few of us, it's not a familiar territory, but in parts, it really grooves. yeah. 

but i think for me, the best thing is the people that i met through this project. each individual is slightly nutty and talented. characters, yes.  and i am really loving the differences and even the miscommunication. so what if we argue or being slightly confused at times? that's life, yeah? after all, the music does bind these strangers together, huddled in a small practice room for no apparent reason but 'to play together.'

we have our last rehearsal tomorrow and then we roll.
it'll be great.  of course, there will be points one would like to have a second go, but that's inevitable. especially if your ears and hearts are open.

im looking forward.  yeah, i know i sign all my emails saying: 'looking forward,' but it's true.  what a beautiful i have, with all these beautiful people sharing their lives with me.

group, i love you dearly!
thank you!!
and gang, i love you guys too :)


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