popular man recommends silence

my housemate/one of my dearest friends/boss has been out of action with bad case of (well, perporated) appendix- after couple days in ICU, he's finally home and starting to resemble a normal man. expected recovery time is anywhere between two to four weeks. we'll see how it goes. ive been filling in for his work; some tasks are familiar (ex. recording and editing), some are brand new (ex. live PA work). it is daunting to get into a new task with your mentor far away. and that everyone questions whether you can manage: he's not here? who's doing it? you?!? (they start to sweat) but you move chairs! are you sure? i understand the concern- mainly from two points: 1. that everyone's projects are very important to each individual and they do not want to take any chances. 2. they are used to seeing me moving chairs. so me doing complicated tech work does not compute. so it makes them nervous. perhaps it wouldve been the best to find som...