week of resonance and light

slightly ( ! ) music-filled week this was: peter grimes dress run @ canadian opera company, then nine inch nails show @ air canada centre, playing in nuit blanche 2013 @ canadian music centre, now working backstage for string quartet/octet concert at the univ...!

peter grimes was a heartbreaker and i am strongly encouraging everyone to go see it- the idea of ostracism is both old and new; along with the dry, acerbic music of britten,  

the nine inch nails show was fantastic- a big proper stadium show, with massive amount of electronic gears, moving screens and agitating rhythmic beats that disturbs calm and peace- it's quite nice to be provoked and feel the rising energy of the audience with the band.  makes me wonder how we could emulate that kind of general acceptance and love for 'classical' music.  yes, im envious! the band always touches very sensitive, if dark part of being an individual- and for me, it's always felt genuine.  hurts, because it's real.  and what a satisfaction to hear them close the show with 'hurt':

...beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
i am still right here...

then came nuit blanche- i was part of the canadian music centre's installation project that involved lights that interacted with sound, concept and execution by LeuWebb project:

what is nuit blanche? different peo'ple will tell you different things, though the general idea is about breaking the 'ordinary,' to invite, provide (objects of possible interests), provoke an interpretation- hence turning the night into an 'artistic' experience.

i always feel uncertain whenever i communicate regarding the definition/context of 'arts,' as ai weiwei (and may others) said, anything can be art... and one's preference, which overrules the objective meanings of events and things, is the essential part of 'artifying.' once we acknowledge that, the world is an endless oceans of choices and preferences, with absence of hope for the 'definitive.'

last night, as musicians took chairs at cmc, people rolled in and out. they listend, they saw. they talked and may be they even created memories.  what would it (the experience) become later? i wistfully wonder- as life fades memories fast, and though we hold onto it with great zeal, it's not of the present...

it was great playing some new music (i learned some new rep for the show, hooray), have the pretty lights to look at and enjoy the company of many interesting people.  was it artistic? i have no clue. all i can say is i appreciate everyone's efforts and care that went into it- especially the staff of the centre, composers (living and dead), peers and the great tradition of western classical music that i am part of, and of the people who took risks to spend the time with the installation...

with a small snippet from last night, i bid you all an artistic day.  let us transcend above the mundane


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