and he wept. et in terra pax- what a loaded statement. i recently went to see the russian film leviathan with friends. the story draws from the circular plot of human suffering- the spiral downward to infinite sadness where one loses the most important things, one by one, love, family, house, hope- for a simple cause of another: greed. a story of a job. i wrote a blog post about book of job long time ago. i struggle with the story. the almighty god and almighty satan. the power bets. the human in-between. a pawn. today, i went to have a coffee with a new-ish friend. i think we can foster a nice relationship- which is quite exciting! another person will let me into her life, to relate, to share, to offer and take! and we talked about idea of north. of separation. of contexts. then of the gods. we are imperfect. with acceptance, we may be able to see the idea of perfection, something that is not bound by the human condition. rel...