pavor! pavor!

a man walks, just about 4 meters ahead.
we are enveloped by quiet, dark, cold night.
my ears are fine-tuned to the steps on wet ground,
only real source of light on back street are the lonely street lamps.

he reaches the door, disappears.

with cold fingers, i grab my keys,

light, warmth.
with slightly watering eyes, i enter the corridor.


glancing, i sense panic.

the pointed fingers, hastened breath,

white knuckles, pressing that 'close' button.
close. damn it. close.

a man willing the machine,
for obedience,
for magic.
and with other hand, fanatically putting his earbuds on.

i stick my foot into the closing door of the elevator,
and blurted out


dude is beet-red. and adjusts earbuds with his best efforts.
deafening silence.

the other two kids in elevator almost died laughing. ha ha. sat eve drama.


  1. ... and narrated with such elegant poetry too! it makes it all the more real.


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