with great gusto, hello 2016!

mousie from winter 2015 winter journey up to northbay!

hullo 2016.

there are many posts from 2015, sitting half-done, yawning.  i am holding back in hope that i can tame some of the wordings that may be too provocative, too condemning, too.. whatever. because, after all, the aim of expression through this blog is to explore, rather than defy or repel others.

so perhaps i will stick to simple thoughts.
today: consumption.

i had not such an expensive christmas and i am grateful. i didnt go out shopping,agonizing on gifts, or went on a seasonal whim on surprise found-things. not because i want to be a scooruge, but because there wasnt a need for it. and i was lucky to be able to do so, because people around me are also quite chill about seasonal consumption. thank the lord. i did get a few things for a few people, but it was not necessarily connected to christmas- just things that people needed/wanted and that i wanted to give.

we did spend a bit of dough going up to north to bury ourselves in quiet winter snow. yes, snow, while yyz stayed green and fresh! that was worth the efforts. also renting a car abled us to take my 92 years old granny for haircut, bit of starbucks and dinner while momdad's away in korea- now, that's worthwhile!

we made a few nice dinners at home and met lovely people. spent a bit of time on local LCBO's craft beer shelves, having a good time. if not, well, drink more, i suppose.

it's not so often i think: i need '___.'
many times, it's: i would LIKE '___.'

and hey, im no saint. i do spend money on certain things heavily, such as travelling. the idea of june trip (andalusia or amsterdam?) and july trip (thailand or scandinavia?), have started rattling in my head, as the annual '52 places to visit' from nytimes rolled out coupla days ago. argh. haha. such a terrible vice!

money does not guarantee happiness.
lack of it certainly will bring unhappiness.

money can be spent or kept.

money can buy some lovely things.
lovely things are the things that allows one to experience something beyond its existence.

ex. lovely shoes:
by wearing shoes, you feel good and the perceived sense of happiness then enhances one's image and self-satisfaction.  however, with just two feet, there must be some sort of reasonable number of shoes one could possess.

ex. silk sleeping bag liner:
by having such nice luxury in what could be a harsh environment (usually with dirtback camping for me), my life is ELEVATED instantaneously with warm silk cover and dry socks, as i roll into the sleeping back. groan in pleasure.

money can also buy lovely things for others.
i tried regular donation to various causes, once a month, starting mid-year last year. and it did take a bit of time to figure out WHO i want to give money to, but it is always a good feeling to know that i abled something greater than me to make the place a bit better.

money can also buy time.
as freelancer, part-time musician, oh i know this so well.

money, by itself, isnt anything too special. it's a physical manifestation of an idea, 'currency.'
what is currency?

currency (n.)
1650s, "condition of flowing," from Latin currens, present participle of currere "to run" (see current (adj.)); the sense of a flow or course extended 1699 (by John Locke) to "circulation of money."

so it is supposed to flow. and if it flows, like water, there will be things that one cannot hold onto.
two books stick out in my mind on this matter:

1. sandel: what money cant buy
i always make a point to tell a friend when making a reference, that since sandel's well and alive, if you like the premise, buy a new copy, so that he will benefit from the sale :)

2. ridley: the rational optimist
this one, also worth paying for a new one. i quite liked it. it gave me hope that yes, we are getting better as a society. book's got a bit of challenge regarding wealth division and perhaps it's bit too rosy but hey, it's always a good day to have a hope!

while you ponder another purchase, a free article...
the world is full of wealth.
i hope your consumption this year, and mine, brings much joy and happiness. resources are limited and yes, it is definitely possible to be happy through spending! happy new year!



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