it wasnt a surprise?!

caravaggio: taking of christ

palm sunday was last weekend and now we are in passion week.
i always feel a bit bizarre on palm sunday.
figuratively and literally, this is the time that we bring that white lamb home, for slaughter. we bring it into the house, and everyone admires it. we even might mentally drool, picturing that lovely lamb chop, glistening from the grilling.

and yeah, people waved palms as jesus entered jerusalem. it is exciting. here he is, the dude who will save us all. we will nail him on the cross and let him choke to death.


it's bit weird. people protest meat-eating. for instance, the recent squacking between protesters and meat resto owner in toronto was bit hilarious:

i think what the owner did was hilarious. 
vegans protested as public group on public space.
owner did what he does in his resto: carve and cook meat.
it's a meat restaurant.

in fact, why did that make the protester more angry? isnt that just affirmation of what they were protesting against- that the resto cooks meat?  so why such a surprise and anger?

i think of this, as i think of 33 years old jesus walking into jerusalem.
ooh they are cheering me on.
they are cheering me on, to nail me out. to kill me.
and everyone knew about it.
the crowd. jesus. even probably some of the government officials.
bit like the meat resto protest.

sometimes we feel funny about things though we know full-well what's going on.
dog eats dog world i suppose. 
what a cycle.


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