(lack of) hair cut compliments

in last two weeks, i got real compliments on my haircut.
the truth is, however, that it actually havent had any cuts since... like... december.

i like my hair quite short, or rather, i like not seeing any hair on the floor (mine/others').  the weird yet expected hair bunnies in public places (in the hallways, staircases, subway corridors, etc.) kind of freak me out. as it must be composed of so many people's hair- hair that grew on/from the body, and now discarded, most of them unknowingly, and somehow, lone hairs finds one another, and form this mass of body that is big enough to... 'tumble weed' (yeah, like a verb...)


after that late-in-the-year cut in december, i usually leave my hair to grow. and it goes through phases. it mustve went through weeks where it looks untidy, no matter what you do with it.  the sides are too short, the front isnt long enough to stay out of the way, so things are stuck down with hair product to keep eyes intact, etc. 

but whatever you do during this period, it looks chia-pet-sh.

then comes the point where one's hair is long enough to obey gravity. the daily 'taming' with side parting and gelling finally convinced hair to stay out of face. it looks not-un-organized.

henceforth, the compliments.

aha. it must be near spring. 

usually, i will get a very short cut in the peak of the spring, as part of getting ready for the summer- that fun times.  and by then, the hair is so long that it may even be tied as a pigtail.  haha.

but for now, i say 'thanks' to the hair compliments. when they ask when i got my hair done, i mumble something about 'washing it' or 'not wearing a hat.' it's a funny thing, hair, i grow it, but i dont have choice in 'growing it,' it doesnt have any nerves, and it discard itself when it seems appropriate. and then it pops out at the weirdest places (prob with dust bunnies) and creep me out.  and everyone, EVERYONE grows hair. even people with alopecia universalle sprouts hair apparently- though unexpectedly, and that no one knows whether those new hairs will stay or not...

im off to a trip in a few days and i really want a hair cut.   i wonder if i would. after all, it's working at the moment so...


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