oh crap sorry i do know you and actually like you even *bang head on wall

sometimes we define others by one's own context (rather than reminding self of the bigger picture).  for instance, there's a cashier lady i quite like at my local metro and she works the graveyard shift.  she's from phillipines and she often would like to go to faraway places (havent done much of it), and we both wondered my pint of halo ice cream would be any good at all the other night (it wasnt, for me).

and then there's a gym neighbour who is beautiful, and she works out in the morning. i know her name, and that she works at the bay, and that she's got elderly mother back in europe (i want to say hungary). and she likes opera. we often talk about COC and other musical productions.

and today, while working a tech shift, this young man who needed a loaner mic said, 'thanks, cecilia.' for bizarre reason, rather than thinking it through, i said, 'how do you know me?'

and he said his name, and that we are social media friends.


that's right, i read your post just yesterday, about women/minority in jazz, and i thought that was quite thoughtful and touching. i even clicked on a 'like,' well, cuz i did really enjoy reading it.

and then in person, boom. i just pulled 'who are you' card.

gawd, if i could crawl up and die for 5 min, i would love to have done that. aaaaargh.

but because i mostly 'read' his stuff, crazy nuff, it didnt occur to me to think about what he looks like in person- this kid was always a 'good read,' if that makes any sense. oh and 'nice (piano) playing.'

anyhow, so i trudge along, making many many mistakes, but i really was embarrassed today. it's a funny thing, to have affinity with others, and actually like others, but then totally lacking what used to be a common medium- in-person meetings.

im gonna take this as a sign that we are now lucky to expand our people range beyond physical presence and that im glad for it, even though it makes me feel super dumb at times.


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