truncated (to) day

tis been an interesting day, filled with random thoughts.

1. shakepeare is totally boring when you study it in highschool.
i mean, average 13-years olds havent had their life shattered yet properly (ex. real irreversible loss, irrecoverable mistake/fault, etc), and without that, how are you understand 'pain?' 
no wonder people (including me) all the sudden re-find shakepeare (and other writers/artists/musicians/dancers) well-after high school.

as march is full of snow flecks here, and im really thinking about packing my bag for the southern journey, all i can think of is: now is the winter of our discontent- (richard iii, act 1, scene 1)

2. i really dislike use of capital letters. especially the pronoun 'I.' what is the smallest letter in the entire alphabet series, with emphasis on the self, it elongates itself, thin and wispy, trying to become more visible than its friends: PICK ME ME ME ME, IT'S ABOUT MEEEEEEE

i really prefer seeing the smallest letter, 'i,' as that's really how big i am in this world. especially when i have good people around me.

3. after all that music education, when i am content, i hum mozart horn concertos. they sit at the right range, they are melodic and fun (like... never menacing, crazy or impossible to sing), and they are... quietly joyful. my horn kiddies agree they are nice to hum. i also hum much double bass music as well, for the same reason. they move at 'vocal' speed, unlike flute/violin/nevermind-the-piano.
for you guys who are missing out, here's a favourite:

4. i had a really nice end-of-the-day rehearsal. it makes it all worthwhile.
lucky kiddie i am, in this wide-world. 


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