whoa sorry blog, it's been ten days since i could not.. get... to.... you.....
ive been buried a little bit, with extra work from all sides.

i am very happy to be part of many different things in life, but this means also that im running around more than usual, and that without people's support, i would be, well, crying in the stairwell at the moment. or at least once a day. HAHA.

fortunately, that never happened.
and i feel supported, loved and cared for. and yeah, lots of laughter. that always helps.

so here it is, a bit thanks list:

matt g, thanks for your humour. you crack me up. it's always good to see you.

arianna, thanks for your grace and poise. share some if you have extra.

meredith, prepping for your 4th year recital is a priority for me this wknd and i am so happy to be part of your journey here at utoronto. you were always beautiful (music and person-wise) and i am so happy for monday!

mateo g, thanks for your humour, esp. last saturday when i just could not find that music HAHAHA... hopefully next year, all the parts will be there for all the things i play for you, lol.

bhavani, it was a great pleasure to meet and play the poulenc trio with you. we must do it again soon! congrats on your recital-

kevin h, as you know, im one of your biggest fan. we must play soon toghther... yea, october? may be?
gemma d, thanks for sharing your music with me. much appreciated... looking forward to polishing this prog.
carter, well-done on super-prepped jury. it was my pleasure to play for you.

lucy, for your lovely presence, honesty and courage, and of course, your playing- it's always getting better. so happy to play!!

ben m, what can i say, taskmaster and a hard worker. i hope youve enjoyed the recital as much as i did.

mike l, nicely done with first year jury- your calm-head is much admired by me- have a great summer...

charles w, that was such nice playing this week. hope your summer's full of great fun.

trix, congrats on taking on and presenting that massive prog. cant believe it's already end of the two years- im so happy to be a friend and yes, beer in may, please.

bridget, you trooper- you work hard and it shows. i hope health returns for spring and that your summer'll be loads fun.

vincenzo, thanks for inviting me to play with you. your flair and sense of fun is infectious and i hope there'll be more fun to be had later.

mitch, im so looking forward to the morrow. we will have a good fun. thanks for letting me part of your prog.

jesse d, always nice to see you. and im always so impressed with your dedication.

aaron t-m, cant believe you are graduating! congrats and lovely job on your 4th year jury.

amy h, thanks for working with my nuts schedule- and this thanks is extended to stephen t as well. thank you thank you.

maria b, hope you had a great time with your jury and best wishes for the rest of the semester.

elena, im looking so forward to polishing your prog- so beautiful. you. and the music.

joey c, chiara, thomas + chelsea, thank you for your infinite patience and the invitation to be part of your journey. i really appreciate the chance to be part of that growth.

nolan, im so glad we are friends. thank you. looking forward to next week! get some sleep...

kira, you are so amazing- and i am so happy to be part of your sounding board. so fun.

bradley, may the gods bless with good reed, cuz... you alread/always sound great.

rae, thanks for your accommodation and patience. most grateful.

matteo f-w, what can i say. i am already missing working with you. lol.

aaron l, you are saving my butt, thanks so much. godsent.

peter and j, you guys are such staunch support for me. i am eternally (probably literally as well, lol) grateful.

and there are more people to thank, and i really hope they know who they are. cuz you all matters to me. thanks for being part of my life. without your help, yeah, i would still be crying.


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