blitz of last 10 days.

found on street.

the last week of april and first week of may has been quite demanding.

there were a few lovely recitals that i was so happy to be part of.
there was an outreach concert to faraway nursing home and my dad did the deed of dad taxi to help me out, which was very touching.
the lovely uber driver returned my black shoes and he was so shy to receive a few bucks and bits of chocolate.
the friend returned pants i left at a show and even bought me an excellent brunch.
the lovely choir peeps are presenting chamber works this sat and theyve been working so hard.
the friend i havent seen in person for two-whole-years, we had chance to drink together in person.
the lovely friend who presented a great program of multi-cellos, i was lucky to write about that.
the beautiful composer who i admired, i met in person and am now an official fan girl.
the gautier capucon show i wanted to go to, a close friend went instead and was ecstatic.
colleague of mine was in a fatal car crash and lost a family member.
had two psych evaluation trans sessions, where peoples' stories broke my heart (and doctor's).
another faraway friend kindly made time to hang and catch (he's popular)
my six year old student A was so tired that i was worried she was going to tear up. she didnt. but it wouldve been okay if she did. i love her anyway. we all do.
i realize it's cinco de mayo tmrw. that sounds crazy.
the call for granny's nursing home bed came- we must visit tmrw and call on monday to accept the offer if we would- and she'll be moving in on tuesday morning.
my mom's sad- she worries if granny'll feel 'dumped.'
the anniversary of brother B's death passed. went to mass.
booked THE summer trip: morroco, 2018!

people. they occupy mind, time, and events.
and love.
they all take love.
it takes love to take them all in.

it's been a busy week.
unusual amount of sadness, but

it also will pass.


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