whirring into eternal silence

in five min, it'll be a full 8 years since we buried the little one under the ground. it was a rainy day. it didnt pour, but it did spit the whole day. the ground was slightly soggy and i tugged a card into his final outfit- a small box.
when we turned away from the fresh mound of earth, the ground underneath was making that wet, soggy sound.

yesterday, a friend was involved in a car accident with a passenger. we were on way to see him and we took a wrong turn, and saw the street all blocked up with yellow tape.

about an hour later, we were down at the hospital.
we learned that the passenger died at the scene.
friend'll be in hospital for a bit.

there is so much more story to this situation. but it's not my own family, so i leave it be for now.  it's their privacy and there's a time for sharing grief and then there's time to wait and listen.

but it was such a beautiful day.
the air that makes people giddy.
5% less care, as it goes in the wind.
though we dont know what happened yet.

i called up a few people at the emerge, as ive done just eight years ago.
connecting the dots. the law side. hospital side. people. family side.

as the day was warm and sun was out, there were many more giddy people out, in their fast moving machinery, driving high on spring air. revving their engines. driving a bit faster, bit closer. motorcycles cutting cars out.

and just like fly buzz, the buzz hovered over the city all day.

and that buzz, like a wasp in the ear, really angered me.


so many lives lost, because of a slight wish for speed, panache, and god knows what.
carving that suburban road corner. just making it in by the flick of the light change. last minute lane change, because well, one may thought that was skilful.

it's also a full moon (well, was, last night). and around every full moon, the city buzzes with whirring of engines. i hear them throughout the night, being in downtown, 32nd floor. and so does the sirens. they ring throughout the evening.

fleeting time and fragile lives.
never i thought i would remember 29 april as a special day.
it just became one.


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