'fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment' (mcqueen)

i finally was at right time and right place to see the documentary: mcqueen.

growing up in the 90s in canada, i saw fair bit of fashion television as english-learning teenager.  the world that was so far from everyday (especially for a dry cleaner/laundromat owners' daughter who was teased constantly for being overweight with big thick glasses), seemed ridiculous. 

after many days and nights of sewing buttons on freshly washed button down shirts, and measuring my customers for new pants hem length, i became bulletproof practical about 'fashion': if it is washable, breathable, non-ironing and long-lasting, i will buy it!  *this is still quite true, haha.

though, in much ridiculousness, there were few images that i do remember from these 'fashion' vignettes- they were somehow different. i didnt really understand it, but i saw that there were some real beauty in this haute couture culture. (my favourite houses are mcqueen, dolce & gabbana, varvatos and vivian westwood)

couple years ago, i was lucky enough to be in london when savage beauty: mcqueen was at v+a museum, with 244 pieces-

and it blew my mind to see those pieces in person.

they werent clothes as we know it.
they were... shaman costumes. you went somewhere through it.
beautifully made, and had nothing to do with everday practicality, but had everything to do with the suppressed feelings, ideas, the areas where one is discouraged to go into.

it was quite essential british- rebellious, innovative, and challenging.

2001 spring/summer VOSS: https://youtu.be/UMTZD193AA8
in summer, when we are down in london, i often pass by savile row.  i stop and take a look at 9 savile row (mcqueen store), and 1 savile row (gieves&hawkes, where mcqueen apprenticed). the shops are super upscale and quiet. i peek at the window and i see mostly mens wear, well-cut and tame, though quite sharp. 

and i think about all the show footages ive seen of mcqueen shows.


and i think: another person we've lost too early.

i wonder what wouldve happened if he found a sliver of happiness right before he hung himself. what a beautiful, savage life.


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