weve lost our minds

canada post's been on strike and it's been ruffling a few feathers.

i understand, no one likes to have they stuff delayed in transit. i mean no one. and people's stuff are amazingly precious- though it's bit bizarre how stuff really overtakes anything else in the world for attention and importance.

a few things are still in the mail for me, and one of my clients had to chew nails as payment cheque was super delayed due to strike. another one was in a desperate situation for cash flow, as her assistant cheque was delayed.

i mean, im lucky. there are few things in mail, but it's not super urgent- it wont disrupt my cash flow in a sense i be in a hole, or receive financial penalty. i do have a book i want in transit somewhere, and i think it may get here well after i leave for the break.

i did find it shocking that the federal govt really got onto action after eBay has nudged them, for their commercial parcel service disruption.  then i kept hearing people talking with great animation and rage, about how their black friday shopping may be delayed.


your discounted stuff may be delayed for christmas, and that is the reason that you want all these people to get back to work, through work-to-rule registration? (that's equivalent of gagging them and forcing them back to work without any resolution. it's the kind of thing that the majority of the population simply FORCES a subgroup to do majority's bidding. this is how democracy works, people.)

i mean, the concept of black friday shopping is bit horrible for me. what did you need so badly that this one day, you ditch your sleep, and stare at the screen, line up in dark at stores, for things? people fight over stuffies, tvs, electronics, things that are supposed to enhance one's life (instead of turning them into weirdos with one-way relationship with their things), the whole 'christmas,' the idea of giving, is no longer about giving but of accumulation (whether you bought it yourself of youve acquired it from another), and then to cope with over-abundance, now there are even services for locker rental with delivery (you call them, they haul stuff and bring it back to you when you want it; you dont even have to go to storage).

your 40% discounted 17th sweater's immediate delivery is more important than people who decided to put their livelihood on line, for a better deal? look, regardless of the deal itself, or what you think of pay scale of postal workers are (never mind that in freezing snow, wet rain, scorching summer, they bring your trivial shits to you, to your door), the fact that you saving 30 dollars, and having it in your hands IMMEDIATELY should override their life-depending efforts?

this is totally fucked.

if people were worried about important things (ive read someone's mom, in cremation box, being delayed somewhere in post route, which is comically *for me, unfortunate.)(or said social assistance cheques, or legal decisions, contracts, cash-flow-effecting paycheques), i can see why such strike would make them upset.

but if  people are pushing for work-to-rule for some amazon-discounted-made-by-3rd-world-with-no-real-fair-compensation-but-now-cheap-so-hey-it's-mine stuff getting to their new owners ASAP, the black-friday madness (ive yet to seen people waiting to black friday for life-depending stuff; for instance, chemo drugs dont usually do black friday sales event...), and the general blinded quest for more stuff,

i think we are totally fucked, people.

stuff has totally fucked us up,

that we see someone else's livelihood as something that is less important than our own stuff.

those 'cheap things,' and their quick deliveries, i dont even know how much blood's on my hands already. too big, too complicated to even to picture.

as i continue to overhear people complain about shopping delays and canada post, i wonder whether i should take up smoking again. damn it. it's frustrating.


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