holiday thoughts

vincent (v gogh)'s chair, with his pipe

holidays are difficult, arent they?

not that they are innately difficult, but the idea of celebration and importance of the occasions themselves can lend headaches and heartaches aplenty.

as im on the all-time-consuming duty of lazing by the fire and eating silly things, i have time in my head. and lots of things swim around it.

we favour tradition during these times, and tradition, inevitably highlights changes.

some changes are great. some, not so much.

in fact, im certain it's the heartaches that stays with us longer.  lost things, lost people. times gone by and things that will never be. and no longer be.

news of births and celebrations are welcomed highly, but there are also news of unhappiness. slow news. fast news. no longer a news but a fresh heartbreak.

all kinds, just like fruitcake bits.

looking at social media pictures and postings, i realize that this is THE time to be happy. and that many of us will be trying our very best to be happy. often, the giddiness of the season makes it impossible to share out anything that may seem not-so-festive.

of course, many of us are happy. and trying for happiness is a valiant effort.

but i do know, and i think of those who would be experiencing the very first significant absence and loss this year.

empty chair.

and those who are lonely, alone, and lost, i also know that often, there is not much relief to come immediately. things often move slow.

wish you all a safe holiday.  no one may guarantee happiness or resolution. the divide between happiness and crushing loss are so thin.  one second here, next, there.  if anyone needs support, holler out. i probably am already thinking of you this holiday. much love.


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