sunlight. now.
sunlight in empty room, 1963, edward hopper, oil on canvas
apparently this november was the darkest (least sunlight) november recorded in toronto.
but today, it's all sunshine.
the buildings are puffing continuous cloud (finally proper cold again), and the sky is pale blue with light gold tinge to it. things have shadows and it is glorious to lay in bed with sun stroking my hair.
im supposed to be working at home,
but i really just cant. this is really gorgeous.
i guess the sun will start to set early enought (440pm), to arrive at dusk for 513pm.
so may be it is okay to noodle and in sunshine.
my first instrument of choice was the oboe.
(i wasnt given one, HAHA)
mom and i gather i couldnt be older than 3 (remembering things that were in the room in my memory). i was sitting on patch of sunlight in our old old house in seoul. we lived near the airport, so seeing the contrail (i still love them and their amazing arc) was quite normal.
that day,
in that gold patch of sun,
came on mozart gran partita: adagio.
and when the oboe solo started,
a new fresh white line appeared on blue sky.
blue and clear, like today.
this memory is fading, and i really have to remind myself to 'remember' it once in awhile, so that i wont ever lose it. it is quite special.
so im musing to myself,
watching the contrail from nearby island airport planes, and once again, oboe soars on the speaker.
it's all pale gold.
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